Wolf Haven International
Tenino, WA, United States
Accredited 2015-08-26
Volunteer positions available.
Internships available.
This sanctuary offers tours.

Wolf Haven International’s mission is to conserve and protect wolves and their habitat. Since 1982, Wolf Haven has rescued more than 200 captive-born wolves and provided them with compassionate care, companionship with fellow wolves, and a safe home for the rest of their lives. There are usually 50-70 animals living in the sanctuary. Our goal is to develop a state-of-the-art education facility with one-way glass to allow students and the general public to learn from and enjoy the wolves in our care without disturbing them.
Wolf Haven participates in two Species Survival Plan (SSP) programs for critically endangered animals: the red wolf and the Mexican gray wolf. Our Sanctuary Director, Wendy Spencer, is on the management team of both programs. As an SSP participant, Wolf Haven has produced nine litters of Mexican pups and released three packs) into the wild. The first Mexican wolves released back into historic habitat after an absence of 30 years came from Wolf Haven. Three pair of Mexican wolves at Wolf Haven reproduced in 2015, producing a total of ten pups. One of these pair produced a second litter in 2017. A litter of critically endangered red wolves was born at Wolf Haven in 2016 and again in 2017. Our goal is to secure funding to continue participating in these two critical programs.