The GFAS Carole Noon Award is given annually to an individual who embodies and puts into practice the GFAS philosophy of vision, dedication, and excellence in animal care at sanctuaries. The award was created in 2009 to honor outstanding contributions to the animal sanctuary field to memorializes Carole Noon, Ph.D., a courageous and innovative sanctuary pioneer and champion of chimpanzees.
Outstanding Sanctuary Awards recognize an organization displaying excellence in humane and responsible animal care; professionalism and ethics; organizational sustainability; public engagement; and contributions to, and leadership within, the sanctuary field. GFAS Accredited/Verified organizations of varying missions are eligible, including sanctuaries which provide lifetime care for animals; transition and rescue centers which temporarily care for animals with a goal of placing them in adoptive homes; and rehabilitation centers which temporarily care for wildlife so that they can be returned back to their native environments. Recipients will be honored in four categories:
- Outstanding Equine Sanctuary
Outstanding Farmed Animal Sanctuary
Outstanding Wildlife Sanctuary
Outstanding International Sanctuary
- Outstanding Equine Sanctuary
2024 Award Winners

2024 Carole Noon Award
Dr. Indra Lahiri, Indraloka Animal Sanctuary

Outstanding Equine Sanctuary of 2024
Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue

Outstanding Farmed Animal Sanctuary of 2024
Peace Ridge Sanctuary

Outstanding Wildlife Sanctuary of 2024
Wolf Haven International

Outstanding International Sanctuary of 2024
Wild Futures
2023 Award Winners

2023 Carole Noon Award
Tammy Thies, The Wildcat Sanctuary, Minnesota

Outstanding Equine Sanctuary of 2023
The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada, Canada

Outstanding Farmed Animal Sanctuary of 2023
Piedmont Farm Animal Refuge

Outstanding Wildlife Sanctuary of 2023
Vervet Monkey Foundation, South Africa

Outstanding International Sanctuary of 2023
Lilongwe Wildlife Trust, Malawi
2022 Award Winners

2022 Carole Noon Award
Lynn Cuny, Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation , Texas

Outstanding Equine Sanctuary of 2022
Gentle Giants Draft Horse Rescue, Maryland

Outstanding Farmed Animal Sanctuary of 2022
Goodheart Animal Sanctuaries, United Kingdom

Outstanding Wildlife Sanctuary of 2022
Three Ring Ranch, Hawaii

Outstanding International Sanctuary of 2022
Global Sanctuary for Elephants, Brazil
2021 Award Winners

2021 Carole Noon Award
Anna Bryant, ARCAS Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center, Guatemala

Outstanding Equine Sanctuary
Skydog Sanctuary, Oregon

Outstanding Farmed Animal Sanctuary
Pasado's Safe Haven, Washington

Outstanding Wildlife Sanctuary
Animals Asia, China

Outstanding International Sanctuary
Juliana's Animal Sanctuary, Colombia
2020 Award Winners

2020 Carole Noon Award
Kathy Stevens, Founder of Catskill Animal Sanctuary in New York state

Outstanding Equine Sanctuary
Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue, Texas

Outstanding Farmed Animal Sanctuary
Happy Trails Farmed Animal Sanctuary, Ohio

Outstanding Wildlife Sanctuary
In-Sync Exotics, Texas

Outstanding International Sanctuary
Gorilla Rehabilitation and Conservation Education Center, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa
Past Carole Noon Award Winners
Carole was singled out for her visionary leadership and advocacy efforts to end the private possession and trade in exotic cats through legislation and education. "Carole is a stand out as a role model and mentor," says Valerie Taylor, GFAS executive director. "She prioritizes the welfare of the animals in her care and generously shares her knowledge with others. Carole is also passionate about creating exciting new ways to educate the public, and inspires everyone to use their voice to end the captive trade in big cats."
Patti Ragan, Center for Great Apes
Patti is dedicated to the health and welfare of chimpanzees and orangutans who unwillingly served the entertainment and biomedical research industries. At the Center for Great Apes, the only accredited sanctuary for orangutans in North America, apes who were former "pets" and performing animals are cared for with compassion and provided for their specialized needs.
Dr. Karmele Sanchez, Yayasan International Animal Rescue
Dr. Sanchez is a veterinarian and oversees YIARI's orangutan center on Borneo and the Primate Rehabilitation Center in Ciapus near Bogor in West Java. The Yayasan International Animal Rescue Indonesia not only works to protect orangutans, but also rescue, rehabilitate and release slow lorises, macaques and other imperiled species.
Dennis Janik of GFAS-accredited Rescate Animal, an animal rescue center in Costa Rica, was singled out for his innovation and leadership in supporting the welfare of native wildlife as a caregiver, conservationist and advocate.
Amanda Lollar, Bat World Sanctuary
Amanda Lollar of GFAS-Accredited Bat World Sanctuary is the eighth recipient of the Carole Noon Award for Sanctuary Excellence given annually by Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries. Amanda was singled out for her leadership in supporting the welfare of bats as a caregiver, educator, and advocate.
Bobbi Brink of Lions Tigers and Bears (LTB) was singled out for her widespread work dedicated to supporting the welfare of displaced exotic big cats and bears and advocating for change to protect captive exotic animals in the future.
Jorg Huckabee-Mayfield, White Bird Appaloosa Horse Rescue, VA, USA
Her work on the Sparky Project this year exemplified the true spirit of this award. She has been an ongoing inspiration in the horse rescue community but went above and beyond to help support the placement of a herd of 40 neglected, unhandled horses.
Pat Derby was a strong advocate for sanctuary standards and helped to found The Association of Sanctuaries (TAOS), which was a predecessor to GFAS, building on what Pat helped to create. Ms. Derby battled the use of wild animals in the entertainment industry and exposed the cruelties inherent in the use of captive wildlife in Las Vegas acts, circuses, and roadside zoos. And while she worked tirelessly to end the cruel exploitation of performing wild animal acts, she is perhaps best known for her work rescuing and providing lifetime care for wild animals in the sanctuaries she helped start in California. While she was a guardian of numerous species including bears and big cats, her greatest love was elephants, for whom she cared with the love of a parent. She and her life partner, Ed Stewart, who accepted the award on behalf of Ms. Derby and PAWS, created the nation's first sanctuary for elephants. "Pat's legacy is one of compassion, vision, and dedication and she is an example for all sanctuary directors and employees to follow," stated Mike Markarian, GFAS Vice President.
The award for The Donkey Sanctuary was accepted by David Cook, chief executive of The Donkey Sanctuary, in recognition of the high standards of care the organization achieves in its work providing sanctuary to abandoned and mistreated donkeys and its projects improving the welfare of working donkeys in 28 countries worldwide. David Cook stated: "We have been working since 1969 to improve conditions for donkeys and mules and it is wonderful that GFAS has recognized our achievements and the hard work of our staff in improving the welfare of working animals. Thanks to our dedicated staff, volunteers and supporters we are able to make a real difference to the lives of hundreds of thousands of donkeys and the families that rely on them."
Stany Nyandwi has always demonstrated remarkable courage and dedication. When he first began work, he bicycled 4-6 hours to and from work each day. The trip was dangerous during tribal conflicts, and two co-workers were killed. At tremendous risk to his own life, he smuggled chimps to safety in Kenya. For four years, keeping the chimps safe, he could not communicate with his family and did not even know if they were still alive. Stany has demonstrated insightful vision, pioneering ways of integrating new chimps into one large, cohesive group on 95 acres.
Jill Robinson, Animals Asia's Moon Bear Rescue Centres, China Vietnam
Ms. Robinson took on the overwhelming challenge of ending the barbaric practice of bear bile farming in China and in Vietnam 18 years ago," states Kati Loeffler, DVM, Ph.D., who nominated Jill Robinson. "Her courage, vision, tireless efforts, devotion to each animal, unflagging commitment, and insistence on the highest standards for the lifelong care of the animals stand as monuments to every animal sanctuary in the world."
The first award, given in 2009, was awarded posthumously to Dr. Carole Noon. Carole Noon, PhD, exemplified the GFAS philosophy with an innovative spirit, creating solutions to overwhelming challenges; a deep knowledge of those entrusted to the care of the sanctuary; and a dedication to animals and a determination to succeed that manifested in a commitment to ensure humane and responsible care for the lifetime of each of the sanctuary residents.