January 2024

Meet the GFAS Office Helpers!

In case you didn’t know, here at GFAS we employ a multi-species staff. 🐎🐈‍⬛🐕
Some are more helpful than others. 
You can find Bitty, Angie, Bernie and Super Dave frequently giving their two cents on Zoom meetings. Dunkin and Klaus lend their voices in the background, for security purposes of course. And Chocolate makes sure our ED doesn’t forget to get in her barn time.
When we’re not at our desks helping sanctuaries help animals, we’re spending time with these buddies.


Free Resources for Sanctuaries and Rescue Centers

The International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council is offering a complimentary, two-year membership to organizations engaged in wildlife rehabilitation and located in designated geographical locations. Membership allows access to resources such as literature, monthly member meetings, and discounted educational courses.

Check to see if you qualify and receive your free membership here:  https://animal-law-films.uvic.ca

A new, open-access documentary film series focusing on animal law is available through the Animals and Society Research Initiative at the University of Victoria, Canada. This six-part series delves into the field of animal law and policy through the stories of four youth active in animal advocacy and includes interviews with animal law scholars and animal sanctuary personnel (GFAS is highlighted in episode 5!). Produced for global viewers, particularly audiences in secondary- and post-secondary education, this series would be a great asset for sanctuaries and rescue centers with humane education or youth programs. The episodes are accompanied by Educators’ Guides to maximize viewers’ experiences and outcomes.

See a trailer and view/download all six episodes with respective guides here.


Veganuary – A Month of Helping Animals
It’s rare that we have the chance to help animals by simply NOT doing something. Every January, you have the opportunity to jumpstart your impact on animals by trying veganism for the month. Veganism means NOT eating any products that come from animals. Why would someone do this?
Because animal products in every form contribute to animal exploitation and cruelty. Farmed animals are harmed and killed by the billions, a number our minds can scarcely comprehend. Sanctuaries play a critical role in connecting folks with the lucky few that can be rescued from these industries, thereby driving the cultural change we need to move animals off our plates and into our hearts, where they belong. 
But the numbers are such that we cannot rescue our way out of this problem. The solution lies on your plate – and Veganuary is here to help provide all the tools and camaraderie you need to take this crucial step. If you’re an animal lover, give it a try; for sanctuaries, for animals, for yourself.
Get inspired by visiting a GFAS-Certified Farm Sanctuary


GFAS Policy on Organizational Updates

A friendly reminder for our currently Accredited and Verified groups, to keep us, at GFAS, up to date with any major changes which occur at your sanctuary organization.  Although GFAS status is for three years, we are delighted to hear from our certified groups at any time!

Click here to find the GFAS policy on organizational updates.  Thanks so much for your review and assistance.


Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge’s Major Expansion

In 2023, GFAS Accredited, Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge (TCWR) boldly agreed to undertake a fast and massive expansion in order to take in all of Big Cat Rescue’s animals. Amazingly, the project is approaching completion and over 30 large and small wildcats have been moved from Florida to their new home at TCWR in the beautiful mountains of Arkansas. The new residents now join other lions, and tigers (and bears!) enjoying spacious enclosures, daily enrichment and top-notch veterinary care by an advanced team of highly-trained caregivers.

Curious about how everyone is settling in to their new digs? You can take a look! TCWR recently launched a live cam experience on explore.org, where from the comfort of your home you can check out what the rescued animals are up to at any time. It’s an invitation to witness the magic and meaning of true sanctuary. Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge has a long history of advocating for the ethical treatment of captive animals and they played a huge role in passing the Big Cat Public Safety Act. This newest offering will go even farther in educating people around the world about the many problems of breeding, private ownership and exploitation of animals. GFAS couldn’t be more proud of the leadership, staff and interns at TCWR, that have taken on this large, new cohort of rescued wildcats. Running a true sanctuary requires vision, heart and fortitude. Caring for captive animals is an all-consuming, emotionally and physically demanding commitment. Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge has always taken on the hardest challenges and prevailed. Please lend your support as they go forward courageously giving their best to so many animals who need them. To find out more information about the expansion project and how you can help, please visit TCWR’s Capital Campaign page.


Let’s Congratulate Therapeutic Horses of Saratoga on GFAS Accreditation

Located on 27 acres in Saratoga Springs, NY, Therapeutic Horses of Saratoga, Inc. (THS) currently cares for 18 horses including two mini’s. Their mantra is rescuing retired racehorses and facilitating therapeutic wellness. Therapeutic Horses of Saratoga matches horses with humans in need to aid healing. This unique environment is managed, and programs are developed by an exceptional group of dedicated professionals.

THS works in partnership with local certified equine therapists who provide equine-assisted therapy (EAT) to their community’s most vulnerable populations. This includes adults and children with mental illness and social difficulties, veterans, families and couples, victims of domestic violence, and others in need of care. The Freedom Rein Program is just one of the offered programs which provides military service members an opportunity to explore challenges and achieve goals in a therapeutic environment.

Dr. Erin Christopher Sisk, Executive Director, Therapeutic Horses of  Saratoga, Inc. states, “With profound gratitude, Therapeutic Horses of Saratoga humbly accepts the esteemed accreditation from the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries. In this alliance, we find strength and purpose, forging a sanctuary where the spirit of injured racehorses is rekindled through compassion and healing. United under the umbrella of global sanctuary standards, we affirm our commitment to providing a haven of love and rehabilitation, where the resilient hearts of these majestic beings find solace and renewal.”

Therapeutic Horses of Saratoga is also active members of the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance and Thoroughbred Charities of America.

For more information on newly GFAS Accredited, Therapeutic Horses of Saratoga, Inc., go to: https://thsaratoga.org/.

New Certifications and Renewals

Over the past month, GFAS has certified one new organization!

Congratulations to these groups!

New Certifications

Therapeutic Horses of Saratoga Inc., New York

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